If you are trying to register a Baidu account, but you are not receiving any SMS or your IP is blocked by Baidu, then this guide will help you to Create Baidu account. Chinese giant search engine and web service baidu.com are blocked in other countries. Only Chinese people can access the service with their China phone number. But we have found a hidden trick with which you can create a Baidu account without China’s number and China VPN.
You usually can a Create Baidu account from Baidu Registration Page, but it always shows an error “The system detects that the current account is registered through the illegal channel, for the security of your account, please use the formal channel”. This error is because of international IP, if you have a Chinese VPN then you can bypass this error. In this guide, I show you a guide with which you can register on Baidu without any VPN with the help of the Baidu DuSpeaker App.
Why a Baidu account?
Baidu’s account is required to access Baidu services like pan.baidu.com, Youku.com, Baidu maps, and Baidu webmaster. Without a Baidu account, you can’t access this service after signing up on Baidu you can access this service in your country without a Chinese VPN.
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How to create Baidu account with DuSpeaker App
After trying many steps, I have found that Baidu only provides mobile phone registration from mainland China and China IP. But we can use the DuSpeaker mobile app to register a Baidu account without the Chinese phone number and VPN. The app is available for both Android and Apple iOS, but only the Android version registers an account without the China phone number.
Download DuSpeaker App ⇒
1. After downloading the apk install it on your phone and enable mobile data on your device or wifi.
2. Now open the app and allow all permissions asked for then go to the registration page.
3. Then Check the box to agree on the service agreement and privacy policy. Next, tap the Sign in Button (blue button). Then you will enter the Baidu registration page. Tap Sign up for registration to Create a Baidu account.
4. Tap +86 to select your country code, enter your phone number, and tap Sign up Now.
5. Next, Drag the button to the right position to complete the verification and you will receive the SMS verification code and enter the code to complete the Create Baidu account.
6. Now Enter your username and password in the and field, and click Confirm to submit, and your registration is completed successfully.
Now you can log in to any Baidu service with the username and password.
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Does not work. I get error “系統繁忙, 請使用其他方式登錄(230051)” translated to “The system is busy, please use another method to log in (230051)” I have tried numerous methods to get baidu to work, none have worked. Ive paid money and sunk hours. I think there’s no actual method that works.
My countries code does not appear in the drop down menu on baidu passport ,duspeaker
just want password from me not username
how can i?
My country does not appear in the drop down menu for the APK file
Worked for me, From India
I used Malloc Vpn mod apk to connect to Hong Kong and choose +91 which is India’s phone code and wrote my indian number and done, got an opt and now I have created the account and also created baidu account.
thanks you very much.
Its work for me
Excellent! Thank you, it works for me. keep up the good work.
omg this works!!! from vietnam. thank you so much!!!
After login baidu account.and options appear and said must login for website submission.I need your help.I already login with my id .then why this massage show
Today, on May 11th, 2024, I want to say thanks to you Nitya for sharing a helpful tip, ITS WORKKKS. I had been trying to get a Pan Baidu account for some time, but all my attempts failed until I came across this thread. Even when I tried in the morning, I still received an error message, so I assumed that this method would also fail, just like the others. However, in the evening, I decided to try again, just in case the error message had disappeared after some time. Luckily, I was successful in creating my own Baidu account. Therefore, if you guys encounter an error message like me, it may be worth trying again at another time or even on another day. Thank you again for sharing this method. 😉
je n’y arrive pas. J’ai payer un service sur gulusc.com mais je ne pensais pas que pour récupérer le fichier je devrais aller ensuite sur Pan Baidu. Du coup je souhaite juste récupérer mon achat mais si je n’arrive pas a me connecté à Pan Baidu c’est fichu… J’ai bien lu l’article mais je suis sur Mac donc tout n’est pas compatible . a la fin on parle d’iOs et Android mais j’ai iOs donc cela ne marche pas… je suis désespérer