Are you looking for the Latest and Old versions of Magisk Build? On this page, you will get the Latest and old apk. Here is the Latest Magisk Manager Version 8.0.7 – installer v28.1 and Beta v26.3. Stable 28.1 supported Android 15 and fixed ramdisk backup being incorrectly skipped. The Manager 8+ now supports Samsung AP firmware on Android P, the new UI. The v28 + supports both HyperOS 2.0 and Samsung ONE UI 7 devices, and Magisk 28.1 supports Pixel 8 and 8 Pro 5G Version. We have shared the latest Magisk Manager and the flashable zip file in this post.
What is Magisk?
Magisk is the best alternative to Chainfire’s SuperSU phh’s SuperUser for rooting Android devices. Topjohnwu is the best developer who developed this app. If you have installed the SuperSU on your device, then you might have seen the issue that you can’t run the banking Apps on your phone because of rooting. The app will also hide the rooting on a specific app you want, and then you can run the restricted root apps. You can also install Modules that will modify your Android device the same as Xposed Framework.
- Mount
- Manager
- Resetprop
- Multiple entries Points Fully open source
- Fully open-source
- Standard stuff like DRM-verity checks and much more
- SU
- Systemless Root
- Hide Root with Root Hide
- Modules
latest Magisk Manager Changelogs:-
Magisk 28.1
[App] Fix stub APK download link
[App] Fix support for Android lower than 8.0
[General] Fix support for MTK Samsung devices
[MagiskInit] Fix a regression for 2SI devices
[MagiskPolicy] Fix a regression causing overlay.d replaced files to be not accessible
Magisk 28
[General] Support 16k page size
[General] Add basic support for RISC-V (not built in releases)
[General] Use a minimal libc to build static executables (magiskinit and magiskboot) for smaller sizes
[Core] Remove unnecessary mirror for magic mount
[Core] Update boot image detection logic to support more devices
[MagiskInit] Rewrite 2SI logic for injecting magiskinit as init
[MagiskInit] Update preinit partition detection
[Zygisk] Update internal JNI hooking implementation
[MagiskPolicy] Preserve sepolicy config flag after patching
[MagiskPolicy] Optimize patching rules to reduce the amount of new rules being injected
[DenyList] Support enforcing denylist when Zygisk is disabled
[Resetprop] Improve implementation to workaround several property modification detections
[Resetprop] Update to properly work with property overlays
[App] Major internal code refactoring
[App] Support patching Samsung firmware with images larger than 8GiB
[App] Use user-initiated job instead of foreground services on Android 14
[App] Support Android 13+ built-in per-app language preferences
[App] Add support to allow modules to define an action triggered from UI
[MagiskBoot] Support spliting kernel images without decompression
[MagiskBoot] Properly support vendor boot images
[MagiskBoot] Disable Samsung PROCA from kernel image
Magisk 27
[Zygisk] Introduce new code injection mechanism
[Zygisk] Support new signature introduced in U QPR2
[SEPolicy] Update libsepol to properly set some policy config bits
[MagiskBoot] Support compressing init so Magisk is installable on devices with small boot partitions
[ResetProp] Add new wait for property feature resetprop -w
[General] Fix device information detection script
[General] Update BusyBox to 1.36.1
[General] Update toolchain that produces broken arm32 executables
[App] Fix root service unable to bind on OnePlus devices
[MagiskBoot] Support extracting boot image from payload.bin
[MagiskBoot] Support cpio files containing character files
[MagiskBoot] Support listing cpio content
[MagiskBoot] Directly handle AVB 1.0 signing and verification without going through Java implementation
[Daemon] Make daemon socket a fixed path in MAGISKTMP
[resetprop] Support printing property context
[resetprop] Support only printing persistent properties from storage
[resetprop] Properly support setting persistent properties bypassing property_service
[MagiskSU] Support -g and -G options
[MagiskSU] Support switching mount namespace to PID with -t
[MagiskPolicy] Fix patching extended permissions
[MagiskPolicy] Support more syntax for extended permissions
[MagiskPolicy] Support printing out the loaded sepolicy rules
[App] Support patching boot image from ROM zips
[App] Properly preserve boot.img when patching Samsung firmware with init_boot.img
[App] Fix crashing when revoking root permissions
[MagiskInit] Always prefer ext4 partitions over f2fs when selecting the pre-init partition
[General] Restore module files' context/owner/group from mirror. This is a regression introduced in v26.0
[MagiskBoot] Fix ramdisk backup being incorrectly skipped
[MagiskBoot] Add new feature to detect unsupported dtb and abort during installation
[Zygisk] Change binary hijack paths
[App] Fix incorrect recovery mode detection and installation
[MagiskInit] Fix config not properly exported in legacy SAR devices
[General] Enforce the Magisk app to always match or be newer than magiskd
[MagiskInit] Update 2SI implementation, significantly increase device compatibility (e.g. Sony Xperia devices)
[MagiskInit] Introduce new sepolicy injection mechanism
[MagiskInit] Support Oculus Go
[MagiskInit] Support Android 13 GKIs (Pixel 6)
[MagiskBoot] Fix vbmeta extraction implementation
[App] Fix stub app on older Android versions
[App] [MagiskSU] Properly support apps using sharedUserId
[MagiskSU] Fix a possible crash in magiskd
[MagiskSU] Prune unused UIDs as soon as system_server restarts to prevent UID reuse attacks
[MagiskSU] Verify and enforce the installed Magisk app’s certificate to match the distributor’s signature
[MagiskSU] [Zygisk] Proper package management and detection
[Zygisk] Fix function hooking on devices running Android 12 with old kernels
[Zygisk] Fix Zygisk’s self code unloading implementation
[DenyList] Fix DenyList on shared UID apps
[BusyBox] Add workaround for devices running old kernels
Download Stable Magisk Zip
Version | Download Link |
(new) Magisk v28.1 | Magisk-v28.1.apk |
Magisk v28 | Magisk-v28.0.apk |
Magisk v27 | Magisk-v27.0.apk |
Magisk v26.3 | Magisk-v26.3.apk |
Magisk v26.2 | Magisk-v26.2.apk |
Magisk v26.1 | Magisk-v26.1.apk |
Magisk v26 | Magisk-v26.0.apk |
Magisk v25.1 | Magisk-v25.1.apk |
Magisk v25.0 | Magisk-v25.0.apk |
Magisk v24.1 | Magisk-v24.1.apk |
Magisk v21.4 | |
Magisk v20.1 | |
Magisk v20.0 | |
Magisk v19.4 | |
Magisk v19.3 | |
Magisk v17.1 | |
Magisk v16.0 | |
Magisk v15.0 | |
Magisk v14.0 | |
Download Magisk Manager Latest To Old
Version | Download Link |
v23.0 | Magisk-v23.0.apk |
v8.0.7 | MagiskManager-v8.0.7.apk |
v8.0.3 | MagiskManager-v8.0.3.apk |
v7.5.1 | MagiskManager-v7.5.1.apk |
v7.4.0 | MagiskManager-v7.4.0.apk |
v7.3.5 | MagiskManager-v7.3.5.apk |
v7.3.4 | MagiskManager-v7.3.4.apk |
v7.3.2 | MagiskManager-v7.3.2.apk |
v7.2.0 | MagiskManager-v7.2.0.apk |
v7.0.0 | MagiskManager-v7.0.0.apk |
v6.1.0 | MagiskManager-v6.1.0.apk |
Download Magisk Beta Zip
Version | Download Link |
Magisk-v21.1 | |
Magisk-v21.0 | Magisk-v21.0zip |
v19.0 | |
v15.3 | |
v15.4 | |
v16.1 | |
v16.2 | |
v16.3 | |
v16.4 | |
v16.6 | |
Latest Uninstaller ⇒
How to install
You can install the Manager simply by installing the apk. You can install Magisk 27 Zip two-way first is with twrp recovery (no root required) and the second with Flashify App (Root Required).
- First backup Phone Apps and Internal Storage Files.
- Make sure your device is Bootloader unlocked.
- Install Twrp Recovery On Your device to Flash Zip file.
- Maintain 30-40% battery.
- Delete some data if no space in internal storage.
How to Install Magisk With Twrp Recovery
1. Download the Latest apk” and “Latest Magisk Stable Zip” or Beta Zip if you want to use the latest features.
2. Copy Manager apk and flashable Zip to internal storage or sd card (Don’t Extract).
3. Install Manager apk doesn’t open and switch off your phone.
4. Turn your phone into Recovery Mode by Volume Navigation key + Power Button.
5. Go to Install ⇒ Navigate to the Zip file ⇒ Swipe to install.
6. Back and reboot your device.
Video Guide
Verify Installation:-
- Open the app and check SafetyNet and root access.
- You can hide the root on a specific app from the Magisk Hide option.
- Now install some Modules from the Modules Menu 🙂
If your device boot looped after installing or updating modules, then read this guide on How to Uninstall Magisk Module Using TWRP Recovery
Magisk Related –
I just want to say thank You for your work. You’ve done a great job hear.
There is a lot of confusion over the word firmware. What I wanted to know is like on a PC you have device drivers called firmware including the bios. On an Android is there a separate set of device drivers that access the physical hardware like the mic and speakers, buttons and the like? Maybe it is all in the Rom you load like Oxygen OS? Can you explain how the Operating system accesses the hardware, and if there is drivers, do they get updated?
Google will help you or quora
or ping us on fb page will try to make separate post on your question!!